I know this is somewhat broad but I hope it's appropriate here. I have a 1970s PCB that is designed to output a sort of bitmap video image via a standard NTSC signal. It came to me as a half-built kit (abandoned in the 70s) and I've completed it by adding all the ICs. (It had all the passive components and a few transistors already present.) The output video signal does not sync to the monitor I have (an old analog monochrome monitor, very forgiving). The trace of the video signal being output looks incorrect to me. The timing is reasonable, but the signal never drops below the 0V level as you'd expect it to to trigger a line sync. Here is the signal it outputs:
Here is a signal with the same scope settings from a standard NTSC signal generator-- this is the 5 stair setup greyscale signal with colorburst but you can clearly see the drop below 0 for the sync:
I'm certainly not surprised that this old board would put out a messy sort of signal, but it doesn't look valid which is why I suspect the monitor can't lock on to anything. I've checked the resistors which all seem to measure fine. There are two old electrolytics but they also measure OK. I'm doing this as a learning experience, so I'm fine probing around and checking stuff but I'm not really sure where to look for the part of the circuit that "would bring the level down below DC zero for the sync".
This is the part of the schematic I think is most relevant (shows the timing generation stuff and the video out line is near Q4 in the lower left center):
If you were me, what would you be looking for or checking out next here? I don't want to overload here but there's some theory of operation on page 14 here.
Thanks so much for any suggestions.