I have been trying to design an analogue timer circuit. The circuit needs to be on a 24-hour cycle with the ability to drive a LED light panel at settings of 10 hours on, 14 off; and 12 on, 12 off. Analogue because I want to manufacture these at scale eventually and don't want to deal with microcontrollers.
Accuracy and minimizing drift over time are very important so using a crystal oscillator is required. I had come up with a design using a 32.768 kHz crystal oscillator, two 4060's (14 stage counters, 2^14), some AND gates to get the period to 2.40 hours and then a decade 4017 chip to select the hours I need to then drive a NPN MOSFET on for the LEDs
But of course, this is a lot of chips.
I decided to take apart a simple grow light timer and much to my surprise they have a 16 MHz oscillator and only one IC which I assume is a ripple counter, to break that down to a 2.4 hour cycle they would need 16,000,000/8640 (seconds in an hour) = 1.3824X10^11 = 2^37 - they would need a counter diver with 37 stages.
I have gone through a bunch of parts and the highest stage ripple counter I can find is a 14 stage, which is way way too low for a 2.4/24 hour cycle especially with a 16 MHz oscillator.
Attached is the photo.
So how is this possible? Is this a custom chip and if so how would I get one like this? Affectively reducing 5 ICs in my design down to one! Any feedback/thoughts would be amazing. I feel like I am missing something.
only one IC which I assume is a ripple counter
... never assume anything ... the IC is probably a microcontroller \$\endgroup\$