I bought a CC1101 module to make a remote for my gate. Unfortunately, the module is marked 868MHz, while the gate needs 433.42MHz. I thought it's changeable, so in code you just set the frequency and done, as it says in the specification. I am not sure why there's a "center" frequency on that module. Does it depend on something other than code?
I was trying to receive a message from a previous remote for the gate I had, but no luck. Only what happens (sometimes, depends on actual code) is that a builtin LED lights up on the ESP32 when I press a button on that remote, but no message appears in serial. I'm pretty sure the wiring is ok, or at least software says it. Unfortunately I don't have an oscilloscope to verify if that the module can send anything on that frequency.
I'm using this library, and this module I expanded the antenna a little.
Sorry if I made a "critical mistake", but I'm a newbie in that matter, just please tell me if I'm doing something wrong, and a potential way to fix it.