I'm trying to find step-down DC-DC regulators that would take input voltages of ~30V and convert it to 5V and ~24V.
I was originally looking at linear regulators such as the 7805T, but the specific project I am working on would need to perform in a vacuum environment. As far as I understand, electrolytic capacitors cannot work in space as they have a high probability of popping due to the vacuum environment. Since the 7805T linear regulator and many other regulators require capacitors in order to function properly, I need to find an alternative option for a step-down regulator.
I searched online, but it appears to be that the vast majority of these voltage step-down regulators/converters require capacitors in one form or another. From breakout transformers to linear regulators, it appears that I can't find any without capacitor(s).
Is there a DC-DC step-down voltage regulator out there that does not use capacitor(s) in any way?
I also found a line of regulators from Pololu that are quite small, but I'm unable to determine whether it has a capacitor (there is something that appears as one on the boards of these, but I'm unable to tell whether it's a capacitor or not).