As the comments have pointed out, you can find anything relating to the electrical characteristics and limitations directly from the datasheet. In this case, you need to find the maximum voltage rating on the input pins of the CD4021BE.
Typically, absolute max ratings have their own section or table on datasheets, and they're usually found within the first few pages. The snipping below shows what you need:
(Image source: Texas Instruments - CD4021B datasheet)
So, if your VDD is +3.3 V, then the max you can supply to the inputs is +3.8 V.
You'll notice that the range for VDD is up to +20 V, so if you have the +5 V available, you can simply use the +5 V as VDD. If that's not possible, then there are plenty of other solutions that are easily available to find online since it's a very common problem.