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I am trying to control an LED bulb using a solid-state relay, the problem is, the bulb is flickering from time to time, if it is turned on it momentarily turns off then back on and vice versa.
I am using Nodemcu8266 to control 5v relay module and the relay controls 220v LED bulb.
I have googled it, and found that I need an RC snubber circuit to absorb that surge, I have used 100nf tantalum capacitor and 220ohm 1\4 watt resistor, but when I turn the relay off bulb glows in low brightness so current is flowing through this RC circuit.
How I can fix this flowing?
How to choose the right values for RC snubber circuit?
This is the relay module I am using, from DC side I connect 5v, GND and signal wire from digital pin of Nodemcu8266