
I am writing code that behaves as a rudimentary register file. I have created the register file as a module reg_file.v. The code instantiates a module, describing a register with loading capabilities, using generate with a simple 'for' loop.

When trying to implement the register module, I get the forementioned error. Here is the register module:

    `timescale 1ns / 1ps

module simple_register_load
    #(parameter N = 4)(
        input clk,
        input load,
        input [N - 1:0] I,
        output [N - 1:0] Q        
    reg [N - 1:0] Q_reg, Q_next;
    always @(posedge clk)
        Q_reg <= Q_next;
    // Next State logic
    always @(load, I, Q_reg)
        if (load)
            Q_next = I;
            Q_next = Q_reg;
    // Output logic
    assign Q = Q_reg;

Within the "Next State Logic" the line associated with Q_reg <= Q_next gets flagged for the error.

always @(posedge clk)
        Q_reg <= Q_next;

I have searched the forums and have found others with similar issues, and they all point to modifying an output in multiple 'always' statements. But here, I only modify Q_reg in one of the 'always' blocks. Q_next is also only modified in one 'always' block. I am puzzled.

This is the register file module code for reference:

`timescale 1ns / 1ps

module reg_file
    #(parameter N = 4, BITS = 4)(
    input clk,
    input [N - 1:0] address_w, address_r, //write address, read address
    input WE, //write enable
    input [BITS - 1:0] data_w, // write data
    output [BITS - 1:0] data_r // read data
    input read_write_sel
    wire [2**N - 1:0] address_w_dec, address_r_dec;
    wire [BITS - 1:0] reg_data;
    decoder_generic #(.N(N)) write_decoder( // N x 2^N decoder
    // READ PORT
    decoder_generic #(.N(N)) read_decoder( // N x 2^N decoder

    genvar k;
        for(k = 0; k < 2**N; k = k + 1)
        begin: register
            simple_register_load #(.N(BITS)) R(
            assign data_r = address_r_dec[k] ? reg_data : 'bz;

The errors if I run for N = 1 (generate 2^N = 2 registers):

[DRC MDRV-1] Multiple Driver Nets: Net nolabel_line34/register[1].R/Q[1] has multiple drivers: nolabel_line34/register[0].R/Q_reg_reg[1]/Q, and nolabel_line34/register[1].R/Q_reg_reg[1]/Q.

[DRC MDRV-1] Multiple Driver Nets: Net nolabel_line34/register[1].R/Q[2] has multiple drivers: nolabel_line34/register[0].R/Q_reg_reg[2]/Q, and nolabel_line34/register[1].R/Q_reg_reg[2]/Q.

[DRC MDRV-1] Multiple Driver Nets: Net nolabel_line34/register[1].R/Q[3] has multiple drivers: nolabel_line34/register[0].R/Q_reg_reg[3]/Q, and nolabel_line34/register[1].R/Q_reg_reg[3]/Q.

I feel like there is a really simple issue that I am missing, and I would be very grateful if someone could point it out.

  • \$\begingroup\$ You have all of your registers tied directly to the same output bus, reg_data. This needs to be a separate bus for each instance of a register. \$\endgroup\$
    – Dave Tweed
    Commented Feb 28, 2023 at 4:54
  • \$\begingroup\$ One way to fix this is to put the declaration for reg_data inside the generate loop. See here for an example. \$\endgroup\$
    – Dave Tweed
    Commented Feb 28, 2023 at 5:22
  • \$\begingroup\$ Thank you Dave Tweed for all the helpful tips. What I ended up using for this particular case was your suggestion of generating the wire each cycle in the for loop, and the error disappeared. I had no idea you could generate new wire like that (I’m in the very early stages of learning verilog) It ends up using a lot of wire, but as you’ve already explained, there are much simpler ways than my current rendition. Thanks again. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Feb 28, 2023 at 21:28

1 Answer 1


If you want to have a bank of registers, it's really much simpler to use an array. Something like this:

module register_bank #(
  parameter AWP = 3,       // address width parameter
  parameter DWP = 3        // data width parameter
) (
  input wire           clk,        // write clock
  input wire   [AWP:0] addr_w,     // write address
  input wire   [AWP:0] addr_r,     // read address
  input wire           we,         // write enable
  input wire   [DWP:0] din,        // write data
  output wire  [DWP:0] q           // read data

  reg [DWP:0] mem [0:2**(AWP+1)-1];

  always @(posedge clk) if (we) mem[addr_w] <= din;
  assign q = mem[addr_r];


Not too long ago, I used an extended version of this module to create a dual-port register array for a custom CPU design. This mapped directly to a dual-port hardware block RAM (BRAM) on the FPGA that I was using.


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