I need to build an isolated power supply for an IGBT gate driver. +15V, -8V.
What I'm trying: I'm using a 1:1.3 transformer and driving it with a 15V square wave. The output voltage is split 1/3, 2/3, using capacitors. I'm a little uncertain on the theory of this circuit though.
I simulated this circuit with LTSPICE and it seems to be working except I am not getting the voltages that I expect on the output. Spice shows +36V and -18V. I must be doing something wrong but I'm not sure what. The right side is just a resistor/ cap acting as crude model of an igbt gate. And the bottom part generates a pwm with deadtime to drive the gate signals.
What do I change to get +15V and -8V instead of 36/-18?