I originally didn't plan to add this as an answer, but it seems to important to let it drown somewhere in comments.
It's the thing of the greatest importance, to resort to the datasheet of your microcontroller. And if I'm correct about Arduino Nano having ATmega 168, here is the datasheet. Electrical characteristics is a section you have to know about and check the things there first.
The point is: minimal reference voltage is 1.0V - you can see it on the page 311. You'll have to amplify your signal at least by a factor of 25 to get reasonable accuracy, scaling up to minimal voltage reference.
Now the best choice of elements I know (though I barely know the topic) would require a low-noise operational amplifier, able to operate as rail-to-rail like @Andyaka pointed out, preferably running at your supply voltage. Then I think that the best choice of the voltage reference is the internal one. Even though they may vary between devices, I think that the stability should be most reasonable. Moreover, your choice of resistors should lie in lower resistances rather than higher, as they are more noise resistant. Don't forget about they stability over time and temperature changes!
The best configuration of amplifiers might vary - noninverting amplifier might be good to start with, but it's high input impedance might not work well with your signal (although it should be OK).