
I've been trying to learn VHDL recently and came across the following tutorial for an ASK modulator: https://surf-vhdl.com/implement-digital-ask-modulator-vhdl/

I tried writing a testbench for this modulator so that I can see it generate a modulated output but I am not getting anything from the output port of the dut. Here are my assumptions:

  • i_meta_sym represents the 4 possible messages I can use from: 00, 01, 10 and 11
  • I can run two processes concurrently, one to generate clock signal, and another to change i_meta_sym
  • I have used 32 clock cycles for changing between the message symbols (640ns)

Here is the result of my simulation for reference.

Simulation result

and my testbench code:

library IEEE;

entity tb_modulator_ask_simple is
--  Port ( );
end tb_modulator_ask_simple;

architecture arch of tb_modulator_ask_simple is
    constant T : time := 20 ns;

    signal i_clk : std_logic; -- input
    signal i_rstb : std_logic; -- input
    signal i_sync_reset : std_logic; -- input
    signal i_fcw : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- input
    signal i_start_phase : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- input
    signal i_meta_sym : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- input
    signal o_molulator : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0); -- output


    dut: entity work.modulator_ask_simple port map (
        i_clk => i_clk,
        i_rstb => i_rstb,
        i_sync_reset => i_sync_reset,
        i_fcw => i_fcw,
        i_start_phase => i_start_phase,
        i_meta_sym => i_meta_sym,
        o_molulator => o_molulator
    i_rstb <= '1';
    i_sync_reset <= '0';
    i_start_phase <= (others => '0');
    i_fcw <= (others => '1');

    -- continuous clock
        i_clk <= '0';
        wait for T/2;
        i_clk <= '1';
        wait for T/2;
    end process;
        i_meta_sym <= "00";
        wait for 640ns;
        i_meta_sym <= "01";
        wait for 640ns;
        i_meta_sym <= "10";
        wait for 640ns;
        i_meta_sym <= "11";
        wait for 640ns;
    end process;

end arch;

Additionally, I couldn't work out how to connect the carrier wave from the dds_sine source so that I can also see what it (carrier) looks like during simulation.


1 Answer 1


The rstb is a low active asynchronous reset signal, but you do not set it to 0 in your testbench at any time. So the DUT stays in state undefined, as all storing elements in the DUT remain at value 'X'. So instead of i_rstb <= '1'; use i_rstb <= '0', '1' after 1 ns;


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