I am following section "Baseline Vivado project" in page 165-170 of book "Architecting High-Performance Embedded Systems: Design and build high-performance real-time digital systems based on FPGAs and custom circuits" written by Jim Ledin, to build up the first stage of the oscilloscope FPGA development project. But I always get an error when generating bitstream: "[DRC RTRES-1] Backbone resources: 1 net(s) have CLOCK_DEDICATED_ROUTE set to BACKBONE but do not use backbone resources. The problem net(s) are design_1_i/clk_wiz_0/inst/clk_out1." I followed all steps exactly in Vivado 2022.2.2, including the board part and target language, but this error always shows up.
This book published the project source in github. However, the published source works without this error after upgrading to Vivado 2022.2.2. I compared the author's published project with mine, but could not find the difference that causes the error. Nor do I know how to fix it. The only difference is that the author was using an old version of Vivado, while I am using the most up-to-date Vivado 2022.2.2. I changed the wrapper language from VHDL to Verilog but the problem remains the same (the author's project has no error, but mine always have the error).
So, I ask here and I was wondering if you could please help me figure out why there is such an error and how to fix it in Vivado 2022.2.2. In order to reproduce the error, I extracted page 165-170 of the book and uploaded it to an online pdf host. The board part is Digilent Arty A7-100. Thank you very much for your help.