Reference following circuit:
which comes from the article Bistable Multivibrator Using 555 Timer.
I am assuming the capacitor leaves pin 5 floating and therefore the comparators into which pins 2 and 6 feed remain at reference volatages of 1/3 and 2/3 of Vcc, but that there is some noise filtering achieved.
However, I would like to change the reference voltages and think I understand that if I connect pin 5 to my desired control voltage (via voltage divider), call it Vx, I should get a reference voltage at the comparator connected to pin 6 of Vx and a voltage of Vx/2 at the comparator connected to pin 2.
(1) Is this correct?
(2) What is the capacitor connected to pin 5 in the schematic as drawn achieving?
(3) Is the capacitor connected at pin 5 still needed if I connect the pin to my required Vx?
With thanks to @GodJihyo for very helpful answer, modified circuit is on the right of the below schematic.
With R3 between pin 5 and ground, V5 control voltage is now set to Vs/3, so second internal comparator of 555 IC references Vs/6. R2 is changed so that 'transient' voltage at pins 2 and 6 is now Vs/4. Resistor R12 added so that C3 charges only to Ve = V3/2. Since TSOP4838 operating voltage is 2.0-5.5V and its output is active low, R4 and R5 achieve close to Vs/2 (internal resistance of 30k) and PNP now replaces the switch in the original circuit.
End result is in response to a burst of IR, LED switches on and stays on, in response to the next burst of IR, LED switches off and stays off, and whole circuit is powered by a single supply. And V3 in high state is (close to) Vs which can supply components requiring Vs.
simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab