I’m good with electronics, but bad with terminology. Basically, I need a switch of some sort that can pull regular power from my house (110V) to power a device that normally just plugs into the wall, except I need the switch to only close/turn on when low voltage (5V I believe, but I need to test) is applied through a positive and negative terminal.
I have an alarm clock that comes with a small disk with a vibration motor inside of it. When the alarm fires, it powers the vibration motor via a positive and negative wire connected to the clock. I’ve tried dozens of these, and none of them are powerful enough to work for me. I purchased a very large screen sifting vibration motor and I’m going to mount that to my bed frame. It is powered by a regular 110V outlet. I want to be able to signal a power on to the high powered motor via the old power source from the wires that used to go to the small alarm clock motor. I just don’t know what the name of such a switch might be.