I have one question about the bode plot of boost average current mode control.
Below is my schematic, the circuit is stable.
My design is for CCM boost PFC, and the current loop crossover frequency is 10 kHz, the voltage loop crossover frequency is 10 Hz. for current loop, I have already check the crossover frequency which is.
Below is my Mathcad calculation design when I am designing. As you can see the red line is the theory waveform, the total loop crossover frequency is actually in at the 10 Hz, the blue line is measuring from SIMPLIS, but the crossover frequency is only 2 Hz, I don't have any idea what’s going on.
I also measure the bode plot of voltage loop and current loop compensator, all the compensator are perfectly match with theory.
Do I measure the bode plot in the wrong place? If I did wrong, how should I improve it.
I fine tune the di bias point to get a correct output voltage.
I change the rail up voltage, but I don't very sure if it is ok.