We know that two un/signed integers arithmetic operation using special circuit called full-adder to execute arithmetic operation in Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU).
The full-adder I mean is classical adder that consist with two half-adder cascaded and an OR-GATE. It has Cin, A, B, S, and Cout pin.
How about two float numbers that represented with IEEE754 standard when doing arithmetic operation? Will the operation using full-adder which same like un/signed integer arithmetic operation uses or.. it will using antoher special circuit?
I think it will using another special unit to operate floating number arithmetic operation that ofcourse consisted with another logic gates since it's not compatible with classical full-adder for integer.
Note that, I'm talking about abstract circuit (logic gates/ALU/full-adder) not physical circuit such as transistor, ground, power, etc.
2.71 + 3.14
, what happened at there? I think computer will decode the operands (2.71 and 3.14) to the IEEE754 format in binary as the first step. \$\endgroup\$