Right now, I am using all the pins of a three pin potentiometer, in order to feed a signal into a transistor for amplification.
The leftmost pin is GND, the middle pin is the signal and the rightmost pin is what goes to the base of the BJT.
I want to create a PCB board. How do I trace the signals to the potentiometer? Exaclty just I described?
My fear is that I will design the board, but then I will buy and solder a potentiometer with completely different pinout.
So my question is, is the pinout of all the potentiometers the same?
The leftmost pin is GND, the middle pin is the signal and the rightmost pin is what goes to the base of the BJT.
... that may be an incorrect connection scheme ... please add a schematic diagram, or a portion of the schematic diagram that includes the potentiometer \$\endgroup\$