Typically you want it specified (min/max values) at some useful current for the intended range of applications.
For transistors intended for use as a switch, it's mostly just important that hFE is high enough for the base drive.
For analog applications the designer may choose to use circuits that are more sensitive to hFE so transistors designed and specified for that kind of circuit tend to have hFE ranges specified at reasonable currents for (say) an amplifier. For example, the once-ubiquitous Toshiba 2SC1815 has 4 'beta bins' with 'Y' being the most popular. These are generally not randomly determined, you order C1815Y you gete parts that have hFE between 120 and 240 at 2mA Ic and Vce = 6V.
As you can see, the typical characteristics can be further predicted from those values:
For use as a switch (eg. a relay driver or whatever) the minimum hFE at Ic = 150mA and Vce(sat) at Ic = 100mA will generally suffice.