In the video, Let's figure out how to mod the BBC Master, at 30:35, a polyester capacitor is added to a BBC Micro to provide a colour composite signal (center of photo solder to the legs of two resistors):
From the schematic, this capacitor (C28) should be 470 pF
However, zooming in to the capacitor on the board, shows a 4 digit code:
The markings are:
This 1135
seems to make little sense and doesn't correspond to any capacitor code that I know of, as these are normally 2 digits or 3 digits (plus a letter). Yes, there is a 4 digit EIA code, but that is for SMD capacitors
I am starting to suspect that the 1135
is a product code and that the actual value is printed on the other side, however, I don't have any polyester capacitors to hand to check whether they are printed upon both sides. Can anyone either confirm this suspicion, or determine the capacitor value from the 1135