I'm replacing a pump: 400 V, 4 kW, 2 pole. It is a wye-delta startup.
The control circuit is working correctly, as I've double checked it and extended the lead to feed another 4 kW motor. When it starts up in wye, I'm reading 9 A but then 57 A when it switches to delta. I've tested the windings insulation (1000 MOmh). Each winding read 0.95 ohms.
The pump is a Grundfos Model: PN-SN A-96501772-10001084 Type: CRN15-4 A-FGJ-A-E-HQQE Motor is tagged: MG112MC2-28FT130-H3.
I've tried increasing the run time in Wye from 2 up to 15 secondes to make sure the pump gets up to speed.
Any thoughts?