I'm fairly new to designing circuit boards. I have built a circuit in EasyEDA that takes a 0-3V3 PWM signal from a Teensy4.1 MCU and converts the signal to 0-20 mA current using a low pass filter and a Howland voltage to current converter with a LM358. The circuit does exactly what I want it to do in the simulation, however with a different opamp that's available in the EasyEDA simulation program. The LM358 is powered with 24 V single supply. I have now received the finished PCB and have started to do some testing.
Problem: When I connect power to the board the board draws enormous amounts of current, 0.6 A at 2 V and the LM358 gets very hot. I have disconnected the LM358 from the circuit and now the power supply is working properly. Also I can't test the signals in the circuit since the power supply isn't working.
If anyone has an idea of what the problem is I would be very glad to receive some pointers.