We designed a custom PCB which has ESP32-WROOM-32E.
We first pushed our code onto a normal ESP32 DevKit commercial board to validate our code. There is no issue with the code. But when we push it to our custom PCB, the code gets uploaded but doesn't execute. The code that we are running is a simple script that sends "Hello world" over UDP.
In our schematic we had not grounded GPIO12, so we have to ground it manually while pushing the code for it to get uploaded. We are using an ESP32 Programmer to upload the code over RX/TX.
Voltage Levels across each pin after upload: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1AA_lTx20qFXUZxxS0GDzUBGCM-w9KIyeTWfhpximsV0/edit#gid=0
ESP32WROOM 32E Datasheet:https://www.espressif.com/sites/default/files/documentation/esp32-wroom-32e_esp32-wroom-32ue_datasheet_en.pdf