
Modern clamp meters use hall effect sensors to measure AC and DC current and normally calculate True-RMS. But for the meter to display the frequency of the measured current some require significant current to be flowing.

For example for the Fieldpiece SC680

Frequency (Hz) Through Clamp

Minimum current range: >7AAC (10 to 100Hz); >20AAC (100 to 400Hz) on 100AAC range; >25AAC (10 to 400Hz) on 600AAC range.

Why is this?


1 Answer 1


You need sufficient current to generate a large enough magnetic field around the conductor to induce a voltage into the AC clamp sensor.

  • \$\begingroup\$ I have meters that can magnetically measure AC/DC currents down to 10mA or so, using hall effect sensors. Even a current transformer should be able to do better than 7A \$\endgroup\$
    – nneil
    Commented Jul 24 at 8:17

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