I'm taking a course on CMOS circuit design and, from my course slides, I have that the the low-high propagation delay of a matched CMOS inverter is given by
$$ \frac{2\,L\,{\left(C_{\textrm{DB2}} +C_W +C_{\textrm{db1}} +2\,C_{\textrm{dg2}} +2\,C_{\textrm{gd1}} +L\,W_n +L\,W_p \right)}}{V_{\textrm{DD}} \,W_n \,{\left(\frac{{V_t }^2 }{{V_{\textrm{DD}} }^2 }-\frac{3\,V_t }{V_{\textrm{DD}} }+1.7500\right)}} $$
where the capacitances are as given in this diagram:
I'm trying to fully understand the theory of how to optimize for minimum inverter delay, so I started playing around with the equation in MatLab. Specifically, I did this:
syms W_n W_p L V_DD V_t C_gd1 C_dg2 C_db1 C_DB2 C_W, assume(W_n > 0 & W_p > 0 & V_t > 0 & V_DD > 0)
% constraints on capacitance
C_int = 2*(C_gd1 + C_dg2) + C_db1 + C_DB2;
C_g3 = W_n*L;
C_g4 = W_p*L;
C_ext = C_W + C_g3 + C_g4;
C = C_int + C_ext;
alpha = 2/(7/4 - 3*V_t/V_DD + (V_t/V_DD)^2 );
% main equation
t_PLH = alpha*C/((W_n/L)*V_DD)
equation = simplify(diff(t_PLH, W_n))
and got this as the partial derivative: $$ -\frac{8\,L\,V_{\textrm{DD}} \,{\left(C_{\textrm{DB2}} +C_W +C_{\textrm{db1}} +2\,C_{\textrm{dg2}} +2\,C_{\textrm{gd1}} +L\,W_p \right)}}{{W_n }^2 \,{\left(7\,{V_{\textrm{DD}} }^2 -12\,V_{\textrm{DD}} \,V_t +4\,{V_t }^2 \right)}} $$
which doesn't have any zeroes, assuming the capacitances and length and widths are all positive (which, of course, they must be).
That seems to imply that, in principle, we could make the propagation delay arbitrarily small. However, my professor's slides also say that we can't make the channel width in particular arbitrarily small in order to decrease propagation delay, because doing so increases the capacitance, which increases the propagation delay, which seems to contradict the result of taking the derivative of \$t_{\text{PLH}}\$.
So what's the actual relationship here between propagation delay, capacitance, and channel width, for a CMOS inverter? What actually prevents the propagation delay from being made arbitrarily small?