I've been reading a tutorial on open drain and I'm thoroughly confused.
First, the terminology makes little sense. How can a resistor pull up or pull down current when its job is to resist current? When I look at a schematic of an open collector, the resistor appears to prevent a dead short to ground.
Second, when the MCU outputs a signal through its pins, it turns on or off the transistor at the base which is interpreted externally as an input signal, but it's unclear how the MCU interprets a signal as an input. It seems as if the signal enters the pin and immediately flows right out to ground. What is responsible for intercepting and interpreting the signal before it burrows its way into ground?
Finally, the tutorial claims the voltage being pulled up or down can be higher than the 5V or 3.3V voltage rating for the MCU, which is hard to grasp. Shouldn't 30V as mentioned in the tutorial destroy the MCU? I've also read somewhere else that one-wire and I2C open collector busses can have devices operating at different logical levels. The tutorial claims the voltage can be "anything" and showed a 12V relay connected to the MCU. Does "anything" include the high voltage generated from the relay's coil when it's turned off? Their schematic doesn't have a flyback diode.