In my application, I need to use a common line shared between two peripherals, I have to indicate to the devices whenever the bus is free or not, hence I can't have push-pull output where the output is either 0 or 1 , as these states are generally used for data transmission.
Instead, I would prefer to have an open-drain scenario, where the output "floats", to indicate to the device that the bus is free.
Now to achieve this, I want to use a transmission gate, where the third state(open) is used by controlling the enable pin if enable is on (the normal 2- state logic, 0 or 1 where input flows to output), else the output pin floats.
Now my question is if this setup is similar to the way 3 state logic is used in microcontrollers/microprocessors, where an internal pull-up resistor controls the logic of the output pin if it is different then in what way does it differ?
Also, have I missed something? Do I have to read anything more to complete my understanding?
The Line is driven by a totem pole output, where only logic 1 (5 V), and Logic 0 (0V), signals are driven.