How to model this BZX79C6V2 zener diode in spice(ltspice recommended )?
reference:- These are the possible parameters
How to model this BZX79C6V2 zener diode in spice(ltspice recommended )?
reference:- These are the possible parameters
Spice models are like alchemy, you have to be some kind of mad scientist to figure them out. Okay, that may be an exaggeration, but with just the data sheet you won't be able to get a lot of the parameters.
The easiest thing to do is find an existing model. A lot of models can be found just by doing an internet search, for example I found this one for the device in question.
.MODEL BZX79C6V2 D(IS=2.4710E-9 N=2.0880 RS=1.0000E-3 IKF=5.900 CJO=95.650E-12 M=.3487 VJ=.7022 ISR=10.010E-21 BV=6.50 IBV=.8623 TT=140E-9 Vpk=6.2 mfg=NXP type=zener)
You can see the the datasheet wouldn't be much help coming up with that. Usually the manufacturers supply the models, as they have a much more intimate knowledge of the device than anyone else.
If you can't find a model you can look for one that's close, maybe the same series but with a different Zener voltage, then just changing BV will probably be good enough for most uses.
To use the model copy and paste it as a spice directive on your schematic, then add a generic Zener, Ctrl+Right click on it and change the value from D to whatever the name of the model is, in this case BZX79C6V2.