My textbook (Brown and Vranesic) gives the following code for a simple 4-bit RCA implementation in Verilog:
// 4-bit ripple-carry adder
module adder4 (carryin, x3, x2, x1, x0, y3, y2, y1, y0, s3, s2, s1, s0, carryout);
input carryin, x3, x2, x1, x0, y3, y2, y1, y0;
output s3, s2, s1, s0, carryout;
fulladd stage0 (carryin, x0, y0, s0, c1);
fulladd stage1 (c1, x1, y1, s1, c2);
fulladd stage2 (c2, x2, y2, s2, c3);
fulladd stage3 (c3, x3, y3, s3, carryout);
// Full-adder
module fulladd (Cin, x, y, s, Cout);
input Cin, x, y;
output s, Cout;
assign s = x + y + Cin;
assign Cout=(x&y)|(x&Cin)|(y&Cin);
My question is about why there is no need for a
wire c1,c2,c3;
statement given that these signals are not declared as inputs or outputs. Is this an error? I ask because in a future example they do seem to use a wire
statement for the equivalent signals (this time expressed as bits of a vectored signal).