I'm trying to design a power latch circuit for a microcontroller. The typical power latch circuit is powered by a button, but I want to power mine with a small accelerometer which sends out an interrupt. The typical power latch circuit also makes the microcontroller power itself. The problem in my scenario: the interrupt is only 3 milliseconds long and the microcontroller needs to long to boot up, meaning I have to rely on other components to keep the power latch high until the microcontroller is powered. I came up with this circuit so far and wanted to know if it is acceptable or complete garbage :D
The idea behind this is to reverse normal power latch dynamics with the GPIO pins, i.e. the MCU doesn't have to have a HIGH-pin to ensure it is staying enabled, but it only relies on a HIGH-pin for power-off (S1).
Please let me know if this circuit is fine, because I'm pretty much just getting started with all this symbol schematic stuff. Thanks a lot!