I bought an Atmel ICE a while ago as a way to step away from the Arduino environment and begin using more custom hardware. Now that I am quite comfortable with this I've begun contemplating using or moving to other MCU manufacturers like ST, NXP, etc and primarily ARM core devices...
My question is, what makes programmers/emulators/debuggers different between a core specific and a manufacturer specific tool? Assuming were talking about strictly an ARM core and JTAG, does using a debug tool from the chip manufacturer give any benefit over using one that is not? For example, something like this Segger emulator vs something like STLink or Atmel ICE? What makes a $500 Segger JTAG debugger different from an $8 JTAG debugger? Will an IDE like Microchip Studio or STM32CubeIDE still recognize and work nicely with a debugger that is not a Microchip or STMicro product?