During this semester I have been spending a bit of time learning how to use Verilog. I took on a project to develop a sorting network for 1024 32-bit numbers and tried to develop the circuit by developing "modules" that represent each part of the sorting network. I based my module on the picture at the bottom of this wikipedia page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bitonic_sorter
My module description is below, where the parameters represent each of the "blocks" and "stages" from the figure shown in wikipedia.
module layerSort #(parameter power = 5, parameter POWER = 10)(input [32767:0] in, output reg [32767:0] out);
/* power parameter represents
the power of 2 our starting width is. E.g
this module starts by breadth-sorting w/ size
2^2 = 4. */
reg[32*2**POWER-1:0] layer[power-1:0];
genvar i,j,k;
/* 0th layer is a 'breadth' swap. The kth last number of the jth block is compared with the kth first
of the jth block. */
/* Values assigned to layer 0 */
for(j=0; j<2**(POWER-power); j=j+1) begin : first_j
/* The jth block 'starts' at index 1023-j*2^{p-1}*/
/* The jth block 'ends' at index (j+1)*2^p-1 + 1 */
localparam jStart = 32*(2**(POWER)-j*2**(power))-1;
localparam jEnd = 32*(2**(POWER)-(j+1)*2**(power));
for(k=0; k<2**(power-1); k=k+1) begin : first_k
always @(in)begin
if(in[jStart-32*k:jStart-32*(k+1)+1] <= in[jEnd+32*(k+1)-1:jEnd+32*k]) begin
layer[0][jStart-32*k:jStart-32*(k+1)+1] <= in[jStart-32*k:jStart-32*(k+1)+1];
layer[0][jEnd+32*(k+1)-1:jEnd+32*k] <= in[jEnd+32*(k+1)-1:jEnd+32*k];
end else begin
layer[0][jEnd+32*(k+1)-1:jEnd+32*k] <= in[jStart-32*k:jStart-32*(k+1)+1];
layer[0][jStart-32*k:jStart-32*(k+1)+1] <= in[jEnd+32*(k+1)-1:jEnd+32*k];
/* I believe the modules all match up here...? */
for(i=1; i < power; i=i+1) begin : i_loop
for (j=0; j<2**(POWER-power+i); j=j+1) begin : j_loop
/* If the module is of 'width' of size 2^(power-i)
Then the hopscotch jumps are of size 2^(power-i-1)
that is to say, half the width! */
localparam FirstStart = 32*(2**(POWER)-j*2**(power-i))-1;
localparam SecondStart = FirstStart-32*(2**(power-i-1));
for (k=0; k < 2**(power-i-1); k=k+1) begin : k_loop
if(layer[i-1][FirstStart-32*k:FirstStart-32*(k+1)+1] <= layer[i-1][SecondStart-32*k:SecondStart-32*(k+1)+1]) begin
layer[i][FirstStart-32*k:FirstStart-32*(k+1)+1]<= layer[i-1][FirstStart-32*k:FirstStart-32*(k+1)+11];
layer[i][SecondStart-32*k:SecondStart-32*(k+1)+1] <= layer[i-1][SecondStart-32*k:SecondStart-32*(k+1)+1];
end else begin
layer[i][SecondStart-32*k:SecondStart-32*(k+1)+1]<= layer[i-1][FirstStart-32*k:FirstStart-32*(k+1)+11];
layer[i][FirstStart-32*k:FirstStart-32*(k+1)+1] <= layer[i-1][SecondStart-32*k:SecondStart-32*(k+1)+1];
/* Assign final output layer as out */
always @(layer[power-1]) begin
out <= layer[power-1];
The bad news is that the network never actually outputs anything. None of the inbetween layers (except the first one) update their values in my circuit when I try to testbench it. I have a feeling that I am doing something fundamentally wrong in my design -- and have a feeling that all my combinational logic is my downfall here, but my background is a bit lacking. That is to say, I have a feeling that my first mistake was trying to make this module a big combo of genvars in the first place.
After some thinking, I imagined that I could instead focus on turning this sorting network into a sort of state machine with inspiration from https://github.com/mcjtag/bitonic_sorter/tree/master -- because I feel like the use of a clock to update the values in the circuit is important. Why does a clock need to be used here? Why can't you just "wire" everything together and get one output?