Update: (I updated the description/Question for clarity)
I am currently stuck trying to solve a seemingly simple resistive network. The voltages U1 and U2, aswell as Rr are known. The unknown components are the resistances R1, R2, R3.
The dotted resistances "Rr" can be added or removed as needed. The current through them is known, but the current through the unknown resistances is of course unknown.
These restrictions let me form three equations, which I would not call linear dependant. Here is the step by step approach:
$$Ip_{1} = \frac{U_{1}}{Rr \left(\frac{1}{Rr} + \frac{1}{R_{1}}\right) \left(\frac{R_{1} Rr}{R_{1} + Rr} + \frac{1}{\frac{1}{R_{3}} + \frac{1}{R_{2}}}\right)} - \frac{U_{2}}{Rr \left(R_{2} + \frac{1}{\frac{1}{Rr} + \frac{1}{R_{3}} + \frac{1}{R_{1}}}\right) \left(\frac{1}{Rr} + \frac{1}{R_{3}} + \frac{1}{R_{1}}\right)}$$
$$Ip_{2} = - \frac{U_{1}}{Rr \left(R_{1} + \frac{1}{\frac{1}{Rr} + \frac{1}{R_{3}} + \frac{1}{R_{2}}}\right) \left(\frac{1}{Rr} + \frac{1}{R_{3}} + \frac{1}{R_{2}}\right)} + \frac{U_{2}}{Rr \left(\frac{1}{Rr} + \frac{1}{R_{2}}\right) \left(\frac{R_{2} Rr}{R_{2} + Rr} + \frac{1}{\frac{1}{R_{3}} + \frac{1}{R_{1}}}\right)}$$
$$Im = \frac{U_{1}}{Rr \left(R_{1} + \frac{1}{\frac{1}{Rr} + \frac{1}{R_{3}} + \frac{1}{R_{2}}}\right) \left(\frac{1}{Rr} + \frac{1}{R_{3}} + \frac{1}{R_{2}}\right)} + \frac{U_{2}}{Rr \left(R_{2} + \frac{1}{\frac{1}{Rr} + \frac{1}{R_{3}} + \frac{1}{R_{1}}}\right) \left(\frac{1}{Rr} + \frac{1}{R_{3}} + \frac{1}{R_{1}}\right)}$$
So I solve the equation system and get the following: Solving above equations for R3 gives: $$R3 = \left[ \frac{- Ip_{1} R_{1} R_{2} Rr + R_{1} R_{2} U_{1}}{Ip_{1} R_{1} R_{2} + Ip_{1} R_{1} Rr + Ip_{1} R_{2} Rr - R_{1} U_{1} + R_{1} U_{2}}\right]$$ $$R3 = \left[ \frac{- Ip_{2} R_{1} R_{2} Rr + R_{1} R_{2} U_{2}}{Ip_{2} R_{1} R_{2} + Ip_{2} R_{1} Rr + Ip_{2} R_{2} Rr + R_{2} U_{1} - R_{2} U_{2}}\right]$$ $$R3 = \left[ - \frac{Im R_{1} R_{2} Rr}{Im R_{1} R_{2} + Im R_{1} Rr + Im R_{2} Rr - R_{1} U_{2} - R_{2} U_{1}}\right]$$
Using these equations to solve for R2: $$R2 = \left[ \ \frac{R_{1} U_{2} \left(- Ip_{1} Rr + Ip_{2} Rr + U_{1} - U_{2}\right)}{Ip_{1} R_{1} U_{2} + Ip_{1} Rr U_{1} - Ip_{2} R_{1} U_{1} - Ip_{2} Rr U_{1} - U_{1}^{2} + U_{1} U_{2}}\right]$$
$$R2 = \left[\ \frac{R_{1} U_{2} \left(- Im Rr - Ip_{1} Rr + U_{1}\right)}{U_{1} \left(Im R_{1} + Im Rr + Ip_{1} Rr - U_{1}\right)}\right]$$
Using these equations to solve for R1: $$R1 = \left[ 0\right]$$
The result I get reduces to 0. There are more conditional solutions to this system, that I see, however. they do not produce reasonable results. Here are example values for testing purposes, generated in spice simulations.
Ip1 = 12.068965e-3
Ip2 = 2.5862069e-3
Im = 25.86207e-3
U1 = 400
U2 = 300
Rr = 10e3
here is a python snipped to follow along:
import sympy as sym
U1,U2,R1,R2,R3,Rr,Ip1,Ip2,Im = sym.symbols('U1,U2,R1,R2,R3,Rr,Ip1,Ip2,Im')
a= -Ip1 + ((U1/(((Rr*R1)/(Rr + R1))+(1/(1/R2 + 1/R3)))))*((1/Rr)/(1/Rr + 1/R1))-((U2/(R2+(1/(1/R1 + 1/R3 + 1/Rr))))*((1/Rr)*(1/(1/R1 + 1/R3 + 1/Rr))))
b= -Ip2 + ((U2/(((Rr*R2)/(Rr + R2))+(1/(1/R1 + 1/R3))))*((1/Rr)/(1/Rr + 1/R2)))- ((U1/(R1+(1/(1/R2 + 1/R3 + 1/Rr))))*((1/Rr)*(1/(1/R2 + 1/R3 + 1/Rr))))
c= -Im + ((U1/(R1+(1/(1/R3 + 1/R2 + 1/Rr))))*((1/Rr)/(1/Rr + 1/R2 + 1/R3))+ (U2/(R2+(1/(1/R1 + 1/R3 + 1/Rr))))*((1/Rr)/(1/Rr + 1/R3 + 1/R1)))
q01 = sym.solve(a,R3)
q02 = sym.solve(b,R3)
q03 = sym.solve(c,R3)
q11 = sym.solve(q01[0]-q02[0],R2)
q12 = sym.solve(q01[0]-q03[0],R2)
q21 = sym.solve(q11[1]-q12[1],R1)
What could I be missing?
Regarding the answer of @colintd
This are the innitial equations: $$\frac{R_{1} \left(- I_{1} Rr + U_{2}\right) + R_{2} \left(- I_{1} Rr + U_{1}\right)}{R_{1} R_{2}} = \frac{I_{1} R_{3} Rr^{2}}{R_{3} + Rr}$$
$$\frac{- R_{1} R_{2} Rr \left(I_{2} Rr - U_{1}\right) + \left(R_{1} + Rr\right) \left(- I_{2} Rr + U_{2}\right)}{R_{2} \left(R_{1} + Rr\right)} = \frac{I_{2} R_{3} Rr^{2}}{R_{3} + Rr}$$
$$\frac{- R_{1} R_{2} Rr \left(I_{3} Rr - U_{2}\right) + \left(R_{2} + Rr\right) \left(- I_{3} Rr + U_{1}\right)}{R_{1} \left(R_{2} + Rr\right)} = \frac{I_{3} R_{3} Rr^{2}}{R_{3} + Rr} $$
Here are the initial equations solved for R3: $$R3 = \left[ - \frac{I_{1} R_{1} R_{2} Rr}{I_{1} R_{1} R_{2} + I_{1} R_{1} Rr + I_{1} R_{2} Rr - R_{1} U_{2} - R_{2} U_{1}}\right]$$
$$R3 = \left[ - \frac{I_{2} R_{1} R_{2} Rr^{2}}{2 I_{2} R_{1} R_{2} Rr + I_{2} R_{1} Rr^{2} + I_{2} R_{2} Rr^{2} - R_{1} R_{2} U_{1} - R_{1} Rr U_{2} - R_{2} Rr U_{1}}\right]$$
$$R3 = \left[ - \frac{I_{3} R_{1} R_{2} Rr^{2}}{2 I_{3} R_{1} R_{2} Rr + I_{3} R_{1} Rr^{2} + I_{3} R_{2} Rr^{2} - R_{1} R_{2} U_{2} - R_{1} Rr U_{2} - R_{2} Rr U_{1}}\right]$$
here are the two simplified equations with R3 eliminated: $$R2 = \left[ 0, \ \frac{R_{1} Rr U_{2} \left(I_{1} - I_{2}\right)}{I_{1} I_{2} R_{1} Rr - I_{1} R_{1} U_{1} - I_{1} Rr U_{1} + I_{2} Rr U_{1}}\right]$$
$$R2 = \left[ 0, \ \frac{R_{1} Rr U_{2} \left(I_{1} - I_{3}\right)}{I_{1} I_{3} R_{1} Rr - I_{1} R_{1} U_{2} - I_{1} Rr U_{1} + I_{3} Rr U_{1}}\right]$$
The end result is however the same, as these two equations end up being linearly dependent. This can be seen, when test values are used and the the functions are plotted.
Here is a python code snipped for convenience:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import sympy as sym
U1,U2,R1,R2,R3,Rr,Ip1,Ip2,Im,Im2,Im3,Im4,I1,I2,I3 = sym.symbols('U1,U2,R1,R2,R3,Rr,Ip1,Ip2,Im,Im2,Im3,Im4,I1,I2,I3')
v1a = U1 - I1*Rr
v2a = U2 - I1*Rr
v3a = I1*Rr
v1b = U1 - I2*Rr
v2b = U2 - I2*Rr
v3b = I2*Rr
v1c = U1 - I3*Rr
v2c = U2 - I3*Rr
v3c = I3*Rr
t1 = sym.simplify(v1a/(R1) + v2a/(R2) - v3a*(1/R3 + 1/Rr))
t2 = sym.simplify(v1b*(1/R1 + 1/Rr) + v2b/(R2) - v3b*(1/R3 + 1/Rr))
t3 = sym.simplify(v1c/(R1) + v2c*(1/R2 + 1/Rr) - v3c*(1/R3 + 1/Rr))
q01 = sym.solve(t1,R3)
q02 = sym.solve(t2,R3)
q03 = sym.solve(t3,R3)
q11 = sym.solve(q01[0]-q02[0],R2)
q12 = sym.solve(q01[0]-q03[0],R2)
q21 = sym.solve(q11[1]-q12[1],R1)