I would like to power single 49 inch TV (LG 49LF6300) using only solar panel without a battery. I am aware that this will only keep the TV running for a few hours each day but this is not an issue for me. The following is the schematic I've devised for this setup.
Solar Panels
I plan to use two RSPRO 100W Monocrystalline solar Panels connected in series. The specifications for the panels are as below: (https://docs.rs-online.com/4e4d/0900766b815873ae.pdf)
DC-DC converter
The Voc of each solar panel is 23.15VDC so the total combine voltage of two solar panels will be 46.3VDC. As they are connected in series, the current Isc remains as 5.45A.
With this in mind, I choose Mean Well RSD-300E-12 DC to DC converter. (https://www.farnell.com/datasheets/2547994.pdf)
The maximum voltage at the input of DC-DC converter will be 46.3VDC and maximum current, 5.45A. So, it is within the specs of RSD-300E-12 converter.
Lastly, the Mean well NTS-300-212 inverter (https://www.farnell.com/datasheets/3212202.pdf) is used to convert the DC to AC for powering the TV.
Based on this inverter specifications, it could take in 12VDC/ 30A. So, it should be compatible with the output from DC-DC converter 12VDC/ 25A.
The AC output from inverter is then to be used to power the TV.
Is the above plan feasible? Are there any other areas that I should consider before proceeding to buy each components?