I'm trying to build a basic square wave oscillator using an astable vibrator made with an op-amp for my Intro to Circuits class.
Unfortunately, I cannot get LTspice to simulate the oscillations.
I've tried a good chunk of the op-amps available. I've also tried varying resistor values, VCC and VEE, capacitance, transient settings, and the initial voltage on the capacitor. I can get this to somewhat simulate on Farstad, but how do I get it to simulate on LTspice?
Edit- I am aware that voltages attached to VCC and VEE have incorrect polarity, it still doesn't work if they are correct.
Edit2- The capacitance in 100 nF, voltage is read from the output of op-amp. Zooming in on the photo should help if you have difficulty reading some of the values.
Edit3- This is the latest version of LTspice running on a Windows 11 machine.