Please can somebody put my mind at rest?
I work on a machine that is unpowered until fully assembled and it has a push-pull solenoid (195222-237).
It has become apparent that we need to cycle this solenoid In order to allow setup of a vacuum gate (the solenoid keeps locking while we are trying to set it up).
I purchased a plug in 24 V PSU adapter rated at 1 A (24 V) and cut off the jack connector then made a rudimentary connection to the solenoid and it pulls! :)
This was a success, however I am worried that the wattage may damage the solenoid if left on too long.
Please can someone advise what the maximum duty time would be with this power supply? Ideally we would be able to leave it on for 2-3 minutes at a time.
If this is not possible is there a discrete inline resistor of something I can connect to the cable to allow the duty required?