The datasheet for the HIP4081A bridge driver references a limit of 2.5 A "pull up"/"down" current.
I thought the maximum load current in a bridge is limited by the FETs themselves, and not the driver.
What am I misunderstanding?
The reason I ask, is that I need to drive a 12 VDC motor with a 10 A stall current with a PWM.
I confirmed the 10 A stall current by connecting it directly to a car battery with a meter, and a vice-grip to stall the axle.
When I put the 4081a circuit in between, it stalls at a peak 4 A (which is way above the 2.5 A spec). Note that I built the reference circuit in the datasheet (page 3), but pull DISABLE low so that it is 100% duty cycle.
I'm using IRF530 FETs which can handle 10 A, 88 W, so they should at least get me to 10 A @ 12 VDC before smoking. (I'll replace these later with something > 120 W.)
Is there a better full-bridge driver I should be using? I waded through DigiKey but had trouble finding a DIP package driver with that level current.