I should start by saying that I'm fairly new to this world but I already know my way around a breadboard.
I already made a sort of mock-up of what I need in a breadboard with a few LEDs, resistors, and a 9 V battery + breadboard power adaptor.
Essentially, the LEDs were set in parallel and with a resistor each (standard LEDs with a 220 ohm resistor, 5 V from the breadboard power adaptor). This way I can power off or remove any of the LEDs (or Christmas village houses) and have the others continue to work.
I also added a potentiometer to control how bright the LEDs are.
Now, my problem is that I don't really know what components I need to bring this into the real deal.
I'm not sure if links are OK, this is the shop that I use in my country, so it's easier for me to show you what I'm talking about
I know I'll need a power supply to the mains, something like this, perhaps? -> https://mauser.pt/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=23_66_884&products_id=035-3814
It is a 3 V to 12 V variable power supply with 1500 mA. I'm inclined to this one so I can better control how much power goes through and I don't burn anything. Would a USB adapter be good enough? (5 V 1.35 A)
Each Christmas village house is usually powered by two to three 1.5 V AA batteries, so about 4.5 V each. At the moment I have four but intend to have more in the future.
So, my goal is to have them all in parallel, with a resistor? Maybe so I don't burn them, a potentiometer for each so I can control the brightness and some sort of easy plug that I can use to plug them in or out without affecting the overall circuit.
I think I need something like this (maybe missing resistors between potentiometer and plug terminal):
Does this make sense, is it correct, and is it possible to help with the name of components and voltage, amperage and resistance values?
I'm planning on getting wire, the plugs, the terminal (can't find the name of it), the potentiometers and the plug. https://mauser.pt/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=011-2291 - Is there any type of terminal that I can use to plug a lot of these?
https://mauser.pt/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=005-1032 - I can only find low wattage potentiometers, so I'm not sure if this is the correct way to control the voltage going to each house.
Please let me know if I'm forgetting something or if I have anything wrong or there is anything else you want me to clarify.
TLDR: I want to convert battery-powered Christmas village houses so I can use a power supply/plug to the wall, and have a way to turn them all individually or all at once so I don't have to pick them up one by one whenever I want to switch them on. If possible, it should be future proof to add more houses.
PS: Is there any website or software, preferably free, that allows to test this type of circuit?