
I have the below code in vitis hls, the STREAM is powered by the AXI interface ports that are supplied to the function.

    static hls::stream<int> buffer("buffer1");
    #pragma HLS STREAM variable=buffer depth=100
    #pragma HLS DATAFLOW
    static hls::stream<int> buffer2("buffer2");
    #pragma HLS STREAM variable=buffer2 depth=100
    #pragma HLS DATAFLOW

acc(int type){
 //AXI interface

Also, I have a testbench to call the acc function with both types. The problem I have is that if I run only one of the functions then the C/RTL COSIMULATION works correctly, but if I want to do with both, my test fails and the final RTL.

Do you have any idea what is happens, and how can I solve it?



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