I can configure the HM-10 through the serial port, set the baud rate, etc but I need to change these parameters via Bluetooth. It is written in datasheet:
AT+MODE?/AT+MODE[P1] - Query/Set Module Work Mode
Mode 2: Before establishing a connection, you can use the AT command configuration module through UART. After established a connection, you can send data to remote side. Remote side can do fellows:
- Send AT command configuration module
- Remote control PIO2 to PIO11 pins output state of HM-10.
- Remote control PIO2, PIO3 pins output state of HM-11.
- Send data to module UART port (not include any AT command and per package must less than 20 bytes).
I set mode 2 and write via Bluetooth in the characteristic 0xFFE1 - "AT\r\n (0x41,0x54,0x0d,0x0a)"
Why does the module send this AT command to the UART and not respond via Bluetooth?
I am configuring via serial port by sending commands
- AT+ROLE0 // set slave (response: OK+Set:0)
- AT+MODE2 // set mode 2 (response: OK+Get:2)
AT+VERS? shows HMSoft V005
I send AT\r\n through Bluetooth just for test, through serial port the module responds OK to this command