I am trying to do a power assessment of a microcontroller (TMS320F28379D, datasheet link: https://www.ti.com/lit/ds/sprs880o/sprs880o.pdf?ts=1702312460730).
The output pins of the microcontroller is connected to a level-shifter IC's \$ 3.3V \$ side, for shifting to \$ 5V \$ (SN74LVC4245A, datasheet link: https://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/sn74lvc4245a.pdf?ts=1702310500407).
A simple schematic is given below:
The electrical characteristics of the microcontroller is this:
And the electrical characteristics of the level shifter is this:
Is the supply current (current going into \$ V_{CCB} \$) of the level-shifter \$ I_{CCB} \$ in the datasheet? Or, is \$ I_{CCB} \$ the current that all input pins will take?
From an earlier question (Current into level shifter IC from microcontroller), I understood that the input pins of the level-shifter IC can take +/- 5 uA. Does this mean that the microcontroller's output (connected to the level-shifter) will also be the same?
Is the +/- 4 mA (\$ I_{OH}, I_{OL} \$) mentioned in the microcontroller's datasheet just the maximum current that uC output pins can supply?