I made a power supply using two 47uf electrolytic (aluminum, I believe) caps and a L7805CV 5v power regulator. I also added a 100ohm resistor and an led to vout. I'm using a battery pack of 4 NiMH AA batteries. The pack reads 5.43 on the multimeter with no load. When I hook up a motor to vout and ground, I get 3.85v instead of the expected 5v.
I'm wired up like so:
- battery positive -> vin
- battery negative -> ground
- vout -> 100ohm resistor -> led -> ground
- vin -> 47uf cap -> gnd
- vout -> 47uf cap -> gnd
Here's a pic: http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs1169.snc4/154180_170665839624424_100000430264071_471279_1472098_n.jpg">
Any ideas?