Does a silicon diode drop voltage by the same amount no matter how large the supply voltage can get? I mean let's assume I have conducted the experiment in which I have connected only a diode and a resistor across a power supply. I will increase the power supply gently at the beginning, and I will notice the voltage across the diode. At the beginning when the voltage across the diode is below .70 V, I notice a one to one correspondence, that is when the supply voltage is 0.2V, the voltage drop across the diode is 0.2V given that zero current passes through the circuit. After we reach 0.7 voltage drop across the diode, the supply voltage is 10 V then, when I increase further supply voltage, like as high as 30 V, the voltage drop across the diode is just .74V increasing only .04 V when the supply voltage increased 3 times?!
The data isn't mine, I have just googled it.