I need to measure the average power of a 1550nm pulsed laser output using a photodiode. The datasheet of the Thorlabs FDG03 photodiode can be found here (or if these links fail, the product page with relevant links is here). I'm also planning to use the recommended circuit with Rload = 50 Ohm load and with 2.5V or 3V bias:
In my case, the pulsed laser's repetition rate is 1kHz, pulse width is 1ns and I can set the laser average power. At this page under "Pulse Calculations" tab, there is a formula which calculates the peak power of a pulsed laser as:
I'm trying to figure out what should be the maximum average power of the laser which does not damage the photodiode. My confusion is should I just look at the average power or the peak power.
The photodiode datasheet does not give detail about maximum optical input power. But it gives the maximum current as 5mA:
The responsivity is given as 0.85 A/W so I calculate the maximum power as:
Pin_max = 1000mW / 850mA * 5mA = 11mW
So if I'm not wrong the maximum optical input power of the photodiode is 11mW.
So in my case not to exceed this, I need to set the laser peak power to 11mW? If I do that and follow the equations below:
Pavg = 11mW * 1000Hz * 0.000000001 = 11nW
Does that mean I need to set the average max power of the pulsed laser to 11nW not to damage the photodiode? It is extremely small and I'm not sure if my way of doing is correct.