I am going to drive and bi-directionally control the speed of some 12V/24V, 100W to 300W DC brushed motors.
I have some experience in controlling small DC motors (6V/9V/12V, 0.5A to 2A) with PWM signal from an Arduino and a L298N dual H-Bridge Shield. However, for the relatively high power DC brushed motors that I am preparing to drive, I have no such experience and am wondering what methods and chips should I use.
PWM is the method of choice when controlling speed for small current motors. Is this still the method of choice for higher power DC brushed motors ?
For 100W to 300W motors, the operating current may be as high as 10A to 25A, and may get even higher if once the motor is stalled. The L298N dual H-Bridge could not be used in such a high current environment. Assuming that the maximum current is below 100A if the motor is stalled, What chips and circuit should I use in these cases ?
Could I use PWM signal to switch a "solid state relay" / "optical coupler" to control the speed of these higher power DC motors ?
How could I handle the case that the motor is overloaded and is stalled, and the current gets much higher to impose danger ?