My project involves 100 small solenoids, that I either have drive individually, or hopefully I can drive in a multiplexed configuration, the same way LED displays are driven. Then I only need 20 control pins on the MCU.
Each solenoid would have a series diode to make the multiplexing work, plus a parallel flyback diode to clamp the turn off spikes.
10x10 multiplexing means a 10% duty cycle for each solenoid. I need to figure out a way to prevent the solenoids from vibrating from the low duty cycle. My first thought was to just pick a frequency ten or more times higher than the solenoid time constant. For example if I have a time constant of 10 ms, I just drive them at 1 kHz. But I have limited practical experience with solenoids, and if there will be problems with this approach (heating, vibrations, etc). What is the lowest and highest practical drive frequency to use for a solenoid with a specific inductance and resistance?