I'm struggling to understand an author's remark in the solving of a circuit including a MOSFET.
In the following circuit, the threshold voltage \$V_T\$ is of \$1V\$ and -while I don't think it is necessary for my question- \$R=0.6k\Omega\$, with \$\text{Kn W/L}=1mA/V^2\$.
First we realize that it cannot be in the cutoff region since \$V_\text{GS}\$ would be \$5V\$, which is greater than \$V_T\$. So we assume it is in saturation...
As far as I know, a MOSFET is in the cutoff region if and only if \$V_\text{GS}<V_T\$, so I fail to understand the author's remark that if the MOSFET was in the cutoff region we would have \$V_\text{GS} = 5V > V_T\$.