I'm working on a project where I'd like a large number of small microcontrollers (100+, something like an 8-bit PIC, but flexible on what I use) to each perform audio synthesis behavior defined by an 1-4 byte shift register. The idea is to program each micro as an oscillator and have frequency, pulse width, and phase each controlled by the register data and to have one master device pass data to all the smaller devices in a daisy chain configuration.
Think of it as the audio equivalent of a WS LED strip.
For this to work properly, I need a protocol that can spit out high-speed data to all the micros, allow each micro in the chain to pass data on to the next micro as it is being clocked in, and then update each micro simultaneously once the data write is complete.
It also needs to be a protocol that can survive going some distance over a wire run, I will almost certainly add an input / output buffer to the PCBs, but assume wire runs between PCBs can be up to 10 ft.
What am I looking for to do this properly based on the parameters I have described?