Can someone please give me an intuitive explanation of shorted stub behaviour?
NOTE: This is not a duplicate of Intuitive explanation of open stub behaviour which has been narrowed to focus on open stubs.
I have the length-based mathematical derivation and explanation from my textbook, but I am looking for an intuitive one.
For example, for an open stub (circuit 2), I think of it as an open ended transmission line through which the wave travels and gets reflected due to the open end, hence travelling double the distance. The reflected wave (from the open stub) will come back, get evenly distributed to both sides (term 3 and term 4), hence adding to the total reflection and transmission. Hence, S33 should be greater than S11 (which it is as shown below) at every frequency.
How does shunt stub work? (I am not able to explain its behavior as to me it is a transmission line taking the signal straight to Ground)