I want to transmit three 5V 32kHz PWM signals, with fast rise and fall times (approx. 10ns)
That's a bit of a "doctor, it hurts when I do that" situation. There's no good reason to send this stuff with such fast edges. The slew rates have to be controlled, otherwise it won't work. You'd need a slew-rate controlled cable driver.
EMI will also be a problem, and the receiving end will be susceptible to noise pickup. Not good. You'd want the mosfets to be shut down when the cable is unplugged. So you really need an off-the-shelf solution that provides that.
with one of the middle two wires as common ground
There will be crosstalk between those signals because of that, and it'll be hard to manage unless the edge rates are controlled.
On the receiving end, there will be a high input impedance mosfet driver
That's not going to work well, as you have noticed.
Telephone cable is a bit weird, since it really complicates things, and it's on its way out. It'll be cheaper to use Cat-5 cable. At least when it breaks in the field, they'll have decent replacements available.
With a telephone cable, most likely it'd get unplugged out of some crusty old phone (in industrial settings - I've seen that happen).
With Cat-5, three RS-485 transceivers will do the job very well, one channel per twisted pair. Moreover, there is a variety of fail-safe transceivers that output idle state (logic high) when either conductor of the differential pair is disconnected, or when the differential pair is shorted together. That way the gate drivers will be in a deterministic state with cable unplugged or faulty. You may need an inverter between the receiver and the gate driver - depending on what's the "gate off" input level of the driver.
The fourth pair can be ground+power. Ensure termination on the receiving end, just in case someone was to use a cable longer than 2m. Then, with termination, the cable could be 1000ft long and the signal fidelity would be still usable on the receiving end.
The transceivers are specified for various data rates, and you'll do just fine with those that are rated for 0.5..1Mbit/s.
You could also use LVDS transceivers, but in an industrial/power application, RS-422 levels are more reasonable, and the transceivers are available in various levels of ESD hardening.
If you go for LVDS, then Cat-5(and higher), HDMI and USB-C 3.1 or better cables will all work well, since they have impedance-controlled differential pairs. I have no idea to what extent LVDS receivers deal with cable failures. LVDS is used for clocked data, often with error protection, so a "stuck low" or "stuck high" failure would be inconsequential, but when used for power device control, this would be bad news.