Throw this fake cell away and buy a new one from a reputable supplier. Look for capacities in the range 2,000-3,000 mAh, which is what is physically possible to achieve with current LiIon battery technology in the 18650 form factor -- anything slightly over that is likely to be fake, double that and up is 100% fake.
Be prepared to pay considerably more than you paid for the fake one. Make sure there's a return policy, so if you discover it is again fake, you can return it.
If I'm not mistaken, the fake ones generally weigh less, so if you're buying one in person, a possible way to separate the clear fakes from the possibly good ones is to bring a weigh scale and check against the expected weight from a reputable cell. This datasheet from a Samsung 2,500mAh cell indicates it's in the neighborhood of 44g.