I'm working on a new topology.
I looked it up myself, and it says "3-level boost converter" has a low inductor.
Is this right? How do I search it?
I'm working on a new topology.
I looked it up myself, and it says "3-level boost converter" has a low inductor.
Is this right? How do I search it?
This is a 3-level single-phase boost converter. I think it has been originally presented in a paper at APEC in 1995:
You can simulate this structure with SIMPLIS for instance and the below circuit is part of the free 120+ ready-made templates you can download from my webpage:
You can obtain the control-to-output transfer function quickly, stabilize the converter and check the THD:
Please note that both switches are interleaved which reduces the overall stress.
This type of 3-level converter is often used in high-power three-phase PFCs to stack-up power stages. This helps reducing the voltage stress on semiconductors like using 650-V transistors in 2 x 400 V rather than 1200-V types with a two-level 800-V dc link rail for instance:
Please note that this particular structure has not been very popular due to the floating operation of the input source which is often a show stopper for the EMI signature. You can check this AN from Toshiba which also proposes a single-phase 3-level T-type PFC which approaches the Vienna rectifier.
Do you know about topologies that look like this?
Is this right?
Yes, that is one variant of the family of converters known as "3-level boost converters".
How do I search it?
Well, there are many papers on this topic, here are two examples:
Paper #1:
This gives a good overview of one example of "3-level boost converter", it is slightly different from what you drew in that it has one (1) inductor, whereas yours has two (2), refer to link below:
Three Level Boost PFC Converter for High Voltage AC-DC Applications
Paper #2:
This particular paper (link below) gives a good overview of the "three-level boost" converter, and introduces "soft-switching":
Soft-Switching Non-Isolated High Step-up Three-Level Boost Converter Using Single Magnetic Element